Some of the Properties to be modifed:
Behaviour: CheckonClick = true //If this is set to false you need to click twice to check an item.
Binding to a CheckBox List
DataSet dsRegionGroups = new ForecastGen.Data.RegionGroups().SelectAllRegionGroups(); //This retrieves the data from DataBase
chkLstRegionGroups.DataSource = dsRegionGroups.Tables[0];
chkLstRegionGroups.ValueMember = "RegionGroupMstId";
chkLstRegionGroups.DisplayMember = "RegionGroupName";
//Please make sure the order of statements is correct.
To Check/UnCheck an item programmatically
for (Int16 i = 0; i < chkLstRegionGroups.Items.Count; i++){
chkLstRegionGroups.SetItemChecked(i, false); //uncheck
Retrieving the Selected Values Programmatically
foreach (DataRowView view in chkLstRegionGroups.CheckedItems){
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = userid;
dr[1] = view[chkLstRegionGroups.ValueMember].ToString();
1 comment:
Thank you for this. I have been trying to figure out how to uncheck the items in a checkboxlist whenever the user clicks on a Reset button control that I put on my form. There are so many properties to the checkboxlist related to each item in the list being "checked" or "selected" and I have found it difficult to understand which to use. This worked for me. Thanks again.
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