We usually come across scenarios where we have to update records in batch. A simple example of this scenario is "User preferences" when subscribing to any website. User initially selects some 'preferences' & later he can add some more, or remove the preferences that are already selected.
In my example I am going to batch update user regions. An user can be assigned any number of regions & he can add some more or remove the existing.
Believe me this works fine & this is one of the best methods for batch update.
Initially I used to delete the assigned records and used to bulk insert new records. But I got a foreign key violation error once when I was doing this. Then I was forced to do batch update. Eventhough I have felt little bit difficulty in doing this for the first time but now I am very comfortable with batch update.
Simple Idea: (I am talking in respect of user-regions).
First we need to get a dataset of assigned regions of the user from DB. (This means initially assigned records)
Now we need to construct another dataset with the new user- regions. (The one's that are selected & modified by user)
Now we need to compare these two datasets and we have to find the records added by user , modifed by user (in this specific example I dont have this) & deleted by the user.
Now in just one database operation, new records will be inserted to database, modifed records will be updated & deleted records will be deleted.
We have to specify insertcommand, updatecommand & deletecommand of dataadapter and with .Update method we can do this in one step.
(If you are using stored procedure, you must define them in db).
Note: Eventhough CommandBuilder can do the same, I feel comfortable with DataAdapter's BatchUpdate. (Update)
public int UpdateRegionGroups(int UserId, DataSet dsRegionGroups)
DataColumn[] ColPk = new DataColumn[2]; //In my case primary key is defined by 2 columns. It can be 1 or many. Using appropriate size of array for Primary key.
ArrayList ArrorigValues = new ArrayList();
DataRow updrow, newrow, delrow;
DataSet dsOrigRegionGroups = new UserRegionGroups().SelectAssignedRegionGroups(UserId); //This is one database fetch operation.
ColPk[0] = dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Columns["RegionGroupId"];
ColPk[1] = dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Columns["UserId"];
dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].PrimaryKey = ColPk;
if (dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
clsobj2DArray objPK = new clsobj2DArray();
objPK.intField1 = Convert.ToInt32(dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RegionGroupId"].ToString());
objPK.intField2 = Convert.ToInt32(dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString());
if (dsRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
int OriginalCount = dsRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < OriginalCount; i++)
string[] ArrtoFind = new string[2];
ArrtoFind[0] = dsRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RegionGroupId"].ToString();
ArrtoFind[1] = dsRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString();
updrow = dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows.Find(ArrtoFind);
if (updrow == null)
//InsertRowValues(i, dsRegionGroups);
dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].DefaultView.AllowNew = true;
newrow = dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].NewRow();
newrow["RegionGroupId"] = dsRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RegionGroupId"];
newrow["UserId"] = dsRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserId"];
//You can update the row here. In my specific example I dont need it.
int j, k = -1;
if (ArrorigValues.Count > 0)
for (j = 0; j < ArrorigValues.Count; j++)
clsobj2DArray objPk1 = new clsobj2DArray();
objPk1 = (clsobj2DArray)ArrorigValues[j];
if ((ArrtoFind[0] == objPk1.intField1.ToString()) && (ArrtoFind[1] == objPk1.intField2.ToString()))
k = j;
if (k != -1)
if (ArrorigValues.Count > 0)
string[] ArrtoDel = new string[2];
clsobj2DArray objPkDel = new clsobj2DArray();
for (int i = 0; i < ArrorigValues.Count; i++)
objPkDel = (clsobj2DArray)ArrorigValues[i];
ArrtoDel[0] = objPkDel.intField1.ToString();
ArrtoDel[1] = objPkDel.intField2.ToString();
delrow = dsOrigRegionGroups.Tables[0].Rows.Find(ArrtoDel);
if (delrow != null)
return BatchUpdateUserRegionGroups(dsOrigRegionGroups);
private int BatchUpdateUserRegionGroups(DataSet dsRegionGroups)
SqlConnection cnBatchUpdate = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"]);
SqlCommand insCommand, updCommand, delCommand;
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "UserRegionGroups");
da.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand();
insCommand = new SqlCommand("InsertUserRegionGroups_BatchUpd", cnBatchUpdate);
insCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
insCommand.Parameters.Add("@RegionGroupId", SqlDbType.Int);
insCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.Int);
insCommand.Parameters["@RegionGroupId"].SourceColumn = "RegionGroupId";
insCommand.Parameters["@UserId"].SourceColumn = "UserId";
updCommand = new SqlCommand("InsertUserRegionGroups_BatchUpd", cnBatchUpdate);
updCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
updCommand.Parameters.Add("@RegionGroupId", SqlDbType.Int);
updCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.Int);
updCommand.Parameters["@RegionGroupId"].SourceColumn = "RegionGroupId";
updCommand.Parameters["@UserId"].SourceColumn = "UserId";
delCommand = new SqlCommand("DELUserRegionGroups_BatchUpd", cnBatchUpdate);
delCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
delCommand.Parameters.Add("@RegionGroupId", SqlDbType.Int);
delCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.Int);
delCommand.Parameters["@RegionGroupId"].SourceColumn = "RegionGroupId";
delCommand.Parameters["@UserId"].SourceColumn = "UserId";
da.InsertCommand = insCommand;
da.UpdateCommand = updCommand;
da.DeleteCommand = delCommand;
int retval = 0;
retval = da.Update(dsRegionGroups.Tables[0]);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
return retval;
public class clsobj2DArray
private int m_var1;private int m_var2;public clsobj2DArray(){ }
public clsobj2DArray(int var1val, int var2val, int var3val){
this.m_var1 = var1val;this.m_var2 = var2val;}
public int intField1{
get { return m_var1; }set { m_var1 = value; }}
public int intField2{
get { return m_var2; }set { m_var2 = value; }}
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