Monday, March 5, 2007

To set window size using Javascript

: A pretty blinking red image

to resize window:

window.resizeTo(document.body.offsetWidth ,600)

'div' has to be in a td
To hide a 'div'
document.getElementById('div1').style.display = "none";

To display a 'div'
document.getElementById('div1').style.display = "none";

To assign image dynamically:
var imgname = "expand.gif";
document.getElementById(srcArrow).src = imgname;

To open a pop-up window:,'Title','left=20,top=20,width=550,height=400,toolbar=0,resizable=0,status=0');

to move to another page:

input id="'Id'" onclick="javascript:window.location='PageName.htm'" type="button" value="Next page"

to move to another page w/o browser caching page name:

location.replace('pagename') //works with browsers above Netscape 4.0 & above & IE 5 & above. Not compatible with earlier versions of browsers.

To move to another secion in the same HTML page:

a href="#1"

somewhere in the HTML we should have .....

tr with id '1'

background color of td to use as a line separator #dcc99d

td bgcolor="#dcc99d" height=1

Some images we can use in left menu: (expandable)

a bullet image: (I like this so much)

: Open dir
: Close dir

: Check Box Checked Image

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